Debates of the European Parliament


Female genital mutilation

Karamanou (PSE).(EL) Mr President, I too should like to congratulate Mrs Valenciano Martínez-Orozco on her excellent and comprehensive report. It is a fact that, for millions of women throughout the world, genital mutilation is an unavoidable, terrifying ordeal which they have to go through if they are to survive. The absence of any alternative and a complete lack of information are one of the most serious problems for women who suffer this degrading mutilation, which is one of the worse forms of suppression, terrorism and exploitation of women, a criminal practice which violates their personal freedom, their physical integrity, their freedom of conscience and their right to health by causing serious physical injury and mental side effects, not to mention the impact on their sexual identity and ability to bear children.

One hundred and thirty million mutilated women in the world is a terrifying number. Unfortunately, this horrible practice has also been introduced into the European Union. According to a statement by the British Medical Association, three thousand women are mutilated in the United Kingdom every year and naturally the fundamentalists, even within the European Union, have no hesitation in applying mediaeval practices in order to subjugate women and control their sexuality.

Every human being is entitled to protection under the law when fundamental freedoms and rights are at risk, as is the case with mutilation. However, European Union law seriously lacks any teeth, which is why we are calling for legislation to be applied which will make this horrible practice a crime. And, of course, the European Union can exert a great deal of influence through the trade agreements under the Cotonou agreement which it concludes with countries in which such practices are rife and by introducing extraterritorial legislation. Finally, I should like to call on the PPE-DE, for us to unite in demonstrating our solidarity with the thousands of women who have undergone this horrible procedure and for you to change your decision by tomorrow.