Debates of the European Parliament


Order of business

Karamanou (PSE).(EL) Madam President, I should like to change the subject and get us off this tack.

Today is International Human Rights Day and I wish to express my distress and horror at the tragic death of the eight refugees, including three children, who suffocated in a container in southern Ireland. Eight dead refugees who were the victims not so much of the traffickers, as the authorities hastened to assure us, but of European indifference and a global system which allows and encourages the free movement of heads, but not the free movement of people, of a system which condemns two thirds of the people on this planet to live in conditions of unbelievable poverty.

The European Parliament cannot stand by impassively in the face of the present-day refugee tragedy, nor can we feel safe in fortress Europe surrounded by such human misery and such a huge development divide.

I think it is a very good sign that we shall be debating the question of refugees and immigrants during the urgent debate on Thursday, and I would be most obliged, Madam President, if you would convey these views to the Council in Laeken.