(Athens daily newspaper)


August 22, 2003



The explanations offered by Mr. Peter Ryan and his distress at how journalists distorted his statements, are superfluous. The best reply to those who discuss lightly the safety of the Olympic Games was given by the report prepared by the British Institute on Terrorism, where Greece is placed 70th in the global list – i.e. not even among medium-risk countries. On the contrary, the first ten places -the countries seen as most likely targets of terrorist attack- are those countries in which the alarmist articles and interviews originate, evidently in a "pre-emptive" vein, as in the "pre-emptive war" of the new contemporary military dogma.


It is true that holding the Games under conditions of safety has always been a concern for the organisers, since ancient times. The truce (cease-fire) was the most important part of preparing for the Games, so that athletes and spectators could reach Olympia safely. It is a good thing then, that the organising committee for the Games of 2004 is concerned about security – even Mr. Ryan is worth his salary. However, advancing the idea of the Olympic Truce in our era, and educating people in peaceful co-existence, would have more permanent results than strengthening enforcement structures. For Greece the Olympiad of 2004 is a golden opportunity to revive and promote on the global level the value of the Olympic Truce - the ideals of peace, co-operation, dialogue, and dismissing violence as a means of resolving disputes. Already, the advancement of such ideals via our foreign policy reinforces our country's prestige in the international arena and offers a new viewpoint on global security. Greece can be competitive on the level of ideas and human values, by drawing from the inexhaustible spring of its culture. Such gold medals are worth more than any others.


However, the reality of the modern world presents us with intensified hatred, blind violence, and terrorism, as expressed in the attack on the UN headquarters in Baghdad, and on a daily basis in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere. Two years after the attack on the twin towers and the Pentagon terrorism not only remains undefeated, but appears to be regrouping and readying for a new show of force. In Afghanistan, Osama Bin Laden's supporters are everywhere, and the spirit of the Taliban lives on. The indesctructible Saddam Hussein is also on the loose, and fanatic Islamic activists worldwide are reaching for heaven by turning the life of people, even children, into hell.


In the context of this horror, of such an unsafe world, we are called upon to organise safe Olympic Games. I wonder, will the message of the Olympic Truce fall upon receptive ears? Will the powers that be realise that we need a different strategy in dealing with terrorism and reinforcing global security? Will they feel concern about the resounding failure of the dogma that calls for violence to be used against violence, for aggressive policies and pre-emptive wars? Will they accept the UN's views on a new strategy for security that focuses on humans rather than countries? Fortunately, such ideas find fertile ground in Europe, especially in the social-democratic camp. The Socialist Group in the European Parliament shall discuss by priority, immediately after the holiday break, the "strategy for security", and will highlight the new dimensions in a world being torn apart by violence.


It is obvious that there cannot be a strategy for viable collective security based on military might alone. The European Union must provide an alternative proposal, a new vision. Contemporary social-democracy must submit ideas and solutions to the problems of the world. Can there be security in an environment of vast inequalities in economic and social development, and in the allocation of the benefits of science and technology? Eliminating poverty must become a priority of the Common European Foreign Policy and Security Policy.


We should not of course underestimate the risk posed by national and religious conflicts, terrorism linked to nationalism and fundamentalism, organised crime, drug trafficking, trafficking in people, environmental deterioration, lack of democracy. For a safer world we need fresh ideas, policies and strategies of a non-military character, and reinforcement of the role citizens, and especially women, play in preventing and resolving crises. When shall we have an Olympiad of ideas?



Anna Karamanou

Member of the European Parliament for PASOK

Member of the Presiding Committee of the Socialist Group